
Factors to Consider When Developing Your Labor and Delivery Plan

Jul 16, 2024
Factors to Consider When Developing Your Labor and Delivery Plan
Developing a labor and delivery plan is an essential step in preparing for the birth of your baby. While childbirth can be unpredictable, having a plan in place ensures that you and your health care team are aligned on your desired birth experience.

Are you anxiously awaiting your due date? The excitement and anticipation are normal — and so are the nerves.

One way to ease your anxiety and prepare to welcome your little one is by creating a labor and delivery plan. A well-thought-out birth plan helps communicate your preferences and expectations to your health care team. 

Here are a few essential factors to consider, from our pregnancy and delivery team at South Valley Women's Health Care.

Do you need a birth plan?

A birth plan is like a roadmap for your labor and delivery experience. It outlines your preferences and priorities, and it can cover whatever aspects are important to you, including pain management, labor positions, delivery methods, and postpartum care.

Developing a birth plan gives you the opportunity to:

  • Clearly outline your preferences regarding pain relief, interventions, and more
  • Communicate with your health care team, so they understand your desires and support you in achieving them
  • Reduce stress and anxiety by helping you feel more in control as your due date approaches
  • Consider and plan for various outcomes, so you can feel more ready for any surprises during labor

While a labor and delivery plan isn’t a requirement, it can serve as a helpful guide to prepare you for birth — and it gives your labor and delivery team important information about your preferences.

Factors to consider when creating your birth plan

Your birth plan can be as simple or as detailed as you like, however, there are a few factors we recommend you consider:

Pain management

Decide how you would like to manage pain during labor and delivery. Options range from natural pain relief methods, like breathing exercises and movement, to medical interventions like epidurals. Our team can discuss each of these options with you, so you can understand the benefits and risks and make the right decision for your situation.

Labor and delivery positions

Consider the positions you’d like to use during labor and delivery. Some women prefer to labor in bed, while others find comfort in walking, sitting on a birthing ball, or using water. If you’re curious about your options, ask our team which positions are feasible and supported in your birthing environment.

Interventions and procedures

Think about your preferences regarding common labor interventions, like induction, episiotomy, and forceps or vacuum assistance. While some interventions may be necessary for the health of you and your baby, understanding and communicating what you desire can help guide your health care team’s decisions if the need arises.

Delivery method

Birthing options include vaginal delivery, Cesarean section (C-section), and vaginal birth after Cesarean (VBAC). Think about your preferences when it comes to how you deliver your baby, and discuss your thoughts with our team. Sometimes, we may recommend one method over another based on your medical history.

Support persons

Decide who you want to be present (or not) during your labor and delivery. This may include your partner, a family member, a friend, or a doula. Make sure your health care team is aware of your preferences so they can support your chosen birth team.

Postpartum care

Finally, spend some time thinking about what happens right after your baby is born. Consider what you want your postpartum care to look like, such as immediate skin-to-skin contact, delayed cord clamping, and breastfeeding support. Including this information in your labor and delivery plan helps you and your baby experience a smooth transition after birth.

A note on flexibility in your birth plan

Creating a birth plan is a great way to prepare for labor and delivery, and it can help you feel more in control. However, it's important to remember that birth is unpredictable, and your labor and delivery may not go exactly as planned.

Our team is here to guide you through the process, and our ultimate goal is to make sure you and your baby remain as healthy as possible. We’ll work with you to adapt your birth plan as needed and provide support and care every step of the way.

Have more questions? Schedule an appointment online or call our Bluffdale, Utah, office at 801-569-2626 today.